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作者签名: 导师签名: 日期:
摘 要(4号黑体空一格,居中)
关键词:(小4号黑体)政府,网民,网络监管(3-5个关键词,小4号宋体,用“,”号隔开) (中英文摘要占独立一页)
关键词:(小4号黑体)政府,网民,网络监管(3-5个关键词,小4号宋体,用“,”号隔开) (中英文摘要占独立一页)
Abstract(4号Times New Roman,居中)
A string of recent social events and crises has proved that the network is free in the real sense only if this kind of freedom is under supervision. Network supervision by the Chinese government has undergone an evolutionary process and at present it is faced with some realistic predicaments and challenges such as the composition of supervisory subjects,the scope of supervisory content,the selection of supervisory modes and the creation of a positive public opinion on network supervision. The new path design of network supervision in China should follow a systematic philosophical reflection. Most importantly,supervisory behaviours should conform to the well-accepted values of supervision,follow the rules of net operation,make good use of dialectics and integrate nations' creativity with their self-discipline. In addition,the Chinese government should learn to utilise philosophical methods to formulate practicable measures of network supervision,handle the main conflicts in network supervision,pay close attention to net incidents,and strengthen the regulation and legislation of network supervision.
(小4号Times New Roman,1.5倍行距)(空2行)(小4号Times New Roman)
Key words: government, native, network supervision and management(小4号Times New Roman, “key words”加粗)